Georgian guy („der schönste Mann, den man sich vorstellen kann“) aus dem Jahr 1896

Von wikimandia


  1. Citrus_Muncher on

    I’d rate the guy on the left as 7/10, while Khvicha on the right gets like 5

  2. courtney-lovesac on

    ალბათ მარცხენაზე დაწერა

  3. Left one is quite handsome, but definitely not blow me off my shoes handsome as the description suggests.
    Would be better without the beard.

  4. They look infinitly better than your avarage english 19th century lad

  5. Special-Session-4690 on

    For real tho, Georgians look amazing ngl. And as you swipe across the population, its consistent.

  6. IKissedHerInnerThigh on

    Guy on the left looks like he is from the Georgian Wizarding School that never made it into the Harry Potter Universe.

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