Mein Gott, so viele Arvaniten HASSEN Albaner sogar noch mehr als normale Griechen. Es ist bizarr. Zwar gibt es sicherlich eine Kluft zwischen Arbërs und Shqiptars, aber zumindest erkennen wir an, dass wir Albaner sind.

Sie behaupten auch sehr gerne, wir seien Griechen. Es ist seltsam, wir sind zwar verwandt, aber bitte hören Sie auf zu sagen, jeder albanische Dichter sei Arbër und somit Grieche.

Von Martian_crab_322


  1. Timepass10 on

    Because they assimilated. Arvanites were orthodox, greeks were orthodox as well so the bareer to assimilation was lower. The arbereshe of Italy were orthodox as well (for the most part) but they were surrounded by catholic italians which helped them to distinguish themselves as arbereshe. The arbereshe in Italy also lived in relatively isolated places.

  2. Killer_Masenko on

    The Arvanites played a huge role in the Greek revolution, and them being Orthodox made them susceptible to assimilation by the Greeks, whose core identity especially at that time was Eastern Orthodoxy. They were basically told they were “spicy Greeks” with a unique language descended from “Homeric Greek”. Any similarity with Albanian is just disregarded as “they stole the words”. Some still believe that shit to this day, while others simply have an identity complex and go, as you said, more ultranationalist than Greeks. Thracian Arvanites do not have this as they emigrated much much later to the region.

  3. Arvanites anti-Albanian? To be honest this is the first time a hear this.
    How did you got in this conclusion? Can you provide any evidence? TIA.

  4. IllyrianBTR on

    Arvanites do not hate Albanians, we are one blood and I have plenty of friends that consider themselves as such Arvanites consider themselves the true greeks, that is all the confusion. Greek state today was made up by big European powers for their own interests, especially Russia. Russia fought the Ottomans which provided the incentives for the creations of Serbia and Greece. There are plenty of documented facts regarding the creation of a modern Greek identity to mimic the ancient one, especially by completely erasing ottoman monuments and creating “ancient” ones. The Greek state and church, had a major role towards assimilation and especially to not repeat the Ottoman invasion (due to the majority of the population being Muslim in the 19 century) and not repeat an eastern Roman Empire again

  5. dictatorvondoom on

    It’s because they are over compensating from their heritage. They WANT to be seen as pure greek badly. Despite ethnic greeks looking at them differently. I think it has to do with the government policies and communities at that time. They never promoted Albanian.

    But in more recent years there are arvanites who acknowledge their heritage instead of hide it and over compenstate with greek nationalism

  6. vanilla1974 on

    Because the Greeks painted Albanians as bad people whilst telling the Arvanitas that they were Greek.

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