Ich bin ein großer Fan von Gameshows und suche derzeit nach einem historischen Videospiel Ihrer lokalen Version von The Weakest Link.


Ich habe tatsächlich ROMs für das US-Playstation-1-Spiel und das UK-Playstation-2-Spiel.

Allerdings gestaltet sich der Versuch, eine ROM zu finden, ganz zu schweigen von der Originalversion Ihrer Playstation 2-Version, als gewaltige Herausforderung.

Angeblich existiert es, aber ich habe meine Zweifel.

Australien hat nie eine eigene Videospielversion von The Weakest Link bekommen.

Für Ihre Fernsehsendung ist es Ihnen jedoch gelungen, die ursprüngliche Moderatorin Cornelia Frances zu gewinnen, und falls es das Videospiel tatsächlich gibt, haben Sie sie auch für die Moderation gewinnen können.

Hello from Australia
byu/MrRedditUser5000 inIceland

Von MrRedditUser5000


  1. EgNotaEkkiReddit on

    Ideas.fandom.com is a fandom wiki whose express purpose (according to their about us) is to make up ideas for fictional video games. An Icelandic version of *weakest link* never existed.

    For one, the title would have been localized. While we do adapt foreign TV shows they are almost universally given an Icelandic name. The only adapted shows I remember that kept their names were “Idol”, “XFactor”, and “Wipeout”, and I think all of those ran on other networks instead of Rúv.

    Likewise, the Icelandic broadcasting corporation would have no reason to invite a foreign host for the show. We have plenty of local talent and our own suite of “staple presenters” that would have been called upon for the job. One of the purposes of Rúv is to promote Icelandic culture and language, and thus commissioning a show entirely in english in the 2000’s would be a very odd look. Importing it, sure. Creating one for themselves, not so much.

    Googling this show only reveals the fandom article you linked, and nothing else about an Icelandic TV show.

    Additionally, in no way would Rúv have the international reach to get two presidents of Nintendo, both Mario’s and Sonic’s voice actors, and Miyamoto for a trivia contest. The entire “special episode” section is written as if the writer had only the vaguest idea of Icelandic celebrities, and their knowledge of Icelandic pop culture only extends as far as Lazytown and apparently Xfactor.

    I also find it funny to think that the “final episode” apparently got a 300.000 viewers – almost the entirety of the Icelandic population at the time.

    and finally, unlike what the article claims, the Edduverðlaun for best entertainment TV show in 2007 was won by Gettu betur, a university trivia contest. The other nominations are Tekinn 2 (The Icelandic *Punked*) and Útsvar (A trivia contest between municipalities)

  2. latefordinner86 on

    I don’t remember this show at all. And I can almost guarantee you there is no video game.

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