Ich möchte der Frage die persönliche Beobachtung voranstellen, dass das Wahlsystem Österreichs (zumindest für die Nationalversammlung) mit seinen drei Vertretungsebenen, offenen Listen und Verhältniswahl eines der besten überhaupt zu sein scheint. Aber ob Sie nun zustimmen oder nicht, was halten Sie davon und was würden Sie verbessern?

Und was halten Sie von der "Ersatzstimme" Konzept? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spare_vote

Die Idee dahinter ist, dass mit der 4%-Hürde einige Stimmen bei der Sitzverteilung völlig ignoriert werden. Zwar ist die Hürde verständlich, da man nicht zu viele Parteien im Parlament haben möchte, aber wenn man den Wählern erlaubt, die Parteien zu bewerten, hätte jeder, der für eine Partei unter 4% gestimmt hat, die Chance, seine Stimme für die nächste bevorzugte Partei zählen zu lassen. Glauben Sie, dass diese Nischenidee in Österreich Unterstützung finden würde?

What would you improve on the Austrian electoral system? Do you think a "spare vote" concept would have support?
byu/budapestersalat inAustria

Von budapestersalat


  1. On the one hand I love the concept of instant runoff, on the other hand as someone who is counting votes since quite literally decades it seems like a really annoying thing to work through, unless you do instant runoff at a parish level, and then it seems a very bad idea as a whole.

  2. One-Understanding-33 on

    Spare Vote would be nice and would instantly let small parties become more viable leading to a more dynamic political system.

  3. The electoral system itself is fine, like you say, there’s not much you could realistically improve that actually improves it *in practice* too. A spare vote seems like one of the few things that could actually be rather useful in practice.

    That said, all the big issues surrounding our democracy aren’t to be found in the way votes are cast, counted and projected onto seat distributions, it’s the setting. Profit-driven economics that allow for certain people to disproportionally influence politics to suit them, ensuing lack of political interest and participation beyond mere voting, … There’s not much an *electoral system* itself can do to change the underlying problems.

  4. anyOtherBusiness on

    Spare vote definitely would make it easier for small parties to gain traction, and have some kind of “ranking”

    I would even go further and would prefer [Rated](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rated_voting) or at least [Ranked ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked_voting) voting.

    This would complicate voting and result calculation, however, in a multi-party system it would reflect the voters desires more. In today’s politics it’s mostly a choosing of the lesser evil. But it totally undermines the real political atmosphere. E.g. the people can’t influence coalition constellations (a party with 5% could be in the government, despite 95% having chosen not to vote for them.

    Rated voting would show the people’s opinions on the parties they don’t choose to vote for and thus, could improve democratic desicions.

  5. Warum interessiert dich unser Wahlsystem? Und warum glaubst du, dass es verbesserungswürdig ist?

  6. I‘d like to see the option of voting someone out. Not like a reality TV show but if a member of parliament breaks or the government does a shitty job, there needs to be a way to get that person out.

    Being elected can’t be a free pass to do whatever.

  7. GaiusCosades on

    The election of the bundespräsident (president) should be done via a ranking system. A stichwahl (runoff) leads to having to chose between the most extreme candidates exclusively more often than not.

  8. hadouken342 on

    No, too many small parties destroy politics and makes reigning literally impossible.

  9. Severe_Ad_6528 on

    What would be annoing to old “outcounter of votes” but is disturbing my personal idea of democratic voting system is the “Preferential vote” system.

    “You/Me” tent to give your vote to a party X. In current system you are allowed to give an extra vote (Preferential vote) to a Member of that party X. But only out of that party X.

    You are not allowed to give your Preferential vote to a member out of party Y.
    Why not? – Nobody knows exactly. => Even Worse: Your whole Vote may got “not valid” if you do that.

    Out of Database view – no problem.

    All other mentioned topics eg. outvoting one, ranking and so on are done with this little change in existing voting system.

    Our politcal party system has another greater problem: To change someting there, you have to go all in “in a party”.
    Who normally descent intelligent person would do that, in comparison to the mostly unintelligent party (X,y,z ..) acting persons.
    When I where young there was a spreading word: ” In Zivil war er nicht viel, darum ging er in die Politik (/zur Post, /zum Miltär). ” ~” He didn’t count much in civilian jobs, so he went into politics (/the post office, /the military …) ”

    In short you find only “civil failure people” in politics …

  10. I would love to have a score voting system where you don’t vote for a single party but give everyone a score and the results are based on overall score.

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