Militarisierung von Kindern in Weißrussland. Die Behörden unter der Führung von Lukaschenko beziehen weiterhin aktiv Schulkinder in ihre „Miliz“ ein. Ein weiterer Schritt in diese Richtung war die Abgabe von Schusswaffen an Kinder.

Von Chinarkaska


  1. I anticipate that when Belarus is formally annexed a couple years from now, the locals would be shipped off to war wholesale, to make way for proper russians.

  2. Come on! It’s the same as self defense. I would consider anyone who has a daughter and don’t make her attend self defense classes an irresistible parent.
    Yes, they make them used to weapon earlier than before (like at 15 in Ukraine in state schools back 20 years ago), but why the blame? With migrants trashing Europe, USA I would prefer my kids to know how to handle weapon.

  3. This-Coconut-5119 on

    As a teenager, i can say that “militarisation” is leading by a strong pressure on kids, and as they can’t confront with their teachers and adults, they agree to join to those “military clubs” against their will

  4. Lime_Chicken on

    Seeing this makes me cry. Our ancestors have fought many wars, both theirs and not theirs so their children and descendants won’t have to grab a weapon ever again. And now this shitty stupid government with this dumb shitty military agenda does this… These are young and innocent souls shouldn’t be guided by this idiotic militarization doctrine that encourages and promotes killing, harming, agression. And that’s not just teaching to defend themselves – it’s brainwashing, it’s teaching to obey all kinds of orders, teaching to get used to killing and to harming people, normalizing violence instead of getting rid of it, so they can use them in their repressive machine…

    “Kids With Guns

    Taking over

    But they won’t be long

    They’re mesmerized


    Kids With Guns

    Now they’re turning us into monsters

    Turning us into fire

    Turning us into monsters

    It’s all desire, it’s all desire, it’s all desire”

  5. PoetryNo3908 on

    Бля леваки и тут видят пропаганду войны, пацаны учатся обращаться с оружием, да у каждого нормально мужчины должен быть ствол, легальный конечно, минимально гладкоствольное охотничее ружье, если тебе не всё равно на себя и своих близких

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