Bloomberg: Kanada will Einwanderer, aber kann es sich diese leisten?


  1. More like wealthy Canadians want desperate tenants for their overpriced rental properties, and they want low wages for their businesses.

  2. GopnikSmegmaBBQSauce on

    Rich Canadians want wage suppression and general exploitation of a serf class…and to drag lower and middle class people down into said serf class. Call it what it is

  3. ganja_is_good on

    No we don’t, fuck face. According to a poll, 75% of Canadians believe the number is too high already.

  4. 604ModCuck on

    Canada doesn’t want more immigrants. Bell, Rogers, and Loblaws does.

  5. Our ruling class dose not stand for what canada “wants” that has been made very clear. Corp’s and MP’s want an insane amount of immigrants to exploit and tax so they can keep the house of cards that canada has become standing just a little bit longer.

  6. CastAside1812 on

    Canadians need to step aside and clear space for our newcomers.

    They deserve to live in our top cities. Vancouver and Toronto. It’s some of the only spots they can stay in touch with their language and culture. They are also willing to live in multi generational homes to afford this.

    The rest of us need to move to other cities. Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Saugenaey. We need to accomodate these new Canadians and make sure they feel at home.

  7. Aquestingfart on

    I don’t think Canada wants more immigrants at this point, let’s give it a damn rest for a couple years and let our infrastructure catch up

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