Dutzende Europaabgeordnete forderten den Ausschluss Ungarns aus dem Schengen-Raum aufgrund der Entscheidung des Landes, die Visabestimmungen für russische Bürger zu lockern, da dies russischen Spionen Tür und Tor öffnet.



  1. Member states bordering hungry need to temporarily reintroduce border controls and suspend access to Russian citizens (as other member states a have already done [Finland continues to impose travel restrictions on Russian citizens – Finnish Government (valtioneuvosto.fi)](https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/-/finland-continues-to-impose-travel-restrictions-on-russian-citizens) ). Countries that do not suspend their borders, should in turn have their borders closed. As a whole the EU should be imposing restrictions on Russian citizens.

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