Meine türkische Freundin hat mir diese Nachricht hinterlassen. Kann sie bitte jemand übersetzen?

    Von shartingtard


    1. Google translate.

      Everyone wants to be the first, the first love, the first kiss. However, the first is temporary. Which first you have is with you? But the “end” that no one wants is different. Because you go to the grave with the hand you hold with confidence, not with the first hand that your palms hold with sweat from excitement…. the end.

      Before I disappear completely; I wanted to tell you that you are the love of my life because you make me laugh every day and make my life worth living, because you don’t make me feel alone. If everything goes well, I want to live and die with you… with you

      Lumeysa & Nova

    2. AdIndividual3283 on

      alternative (evil) translate:

      “i need a foreign passport”

    3. Efficient_War_7212 on

      Probably not %100 accurate, but as a native Turkish speaker I tried to translate it, it should be something like this:

      Everyone wants to be “first”,

      First love, first kiss.

      But first is temporary.

      What first you have is with you?

      But the end which is wanted by no one is different

      Because not with the first hand you hold with your palms sweating with excitement

      You go to grave with the last hand you hold with trust

      Before I completely disappear, I would like to tell you that you are the love of my life, because you made me laugh every day and you made life worth living, you didn’t make me feel alone.

      If everything goes right, I would love to live and die with you 💗

      [Rümeysa & Nova]

      Edit: The past tense verbs may be present tense by the way, “yaptığın” can be used for both past tense & present tense.

    4. Aggravating-Pass8015 on

      there is no private life these days, we can even read a lover’s letter lol

    5. Kermit_Jagger_911 on

      Bro use fucking Google Translate instead of sharing personal shit like this, don’t be dense

    6. Skyhun1912 on

      Rümeysa, nurlu bacımıza bak hele.

      Hayatınız boyunca kaç tane Türk kadınının bir erkeğe şiir yazdığını gördünüz. :))) Ah ulan dünya ahh!

    7. Jumpy_Business_4059 on

      she wants you lol ofc for your passport dont trust the turkish girls. they beg for money and passport.

    8. whyyoucaremuch on

      You’re not her first but she wants to spend rest of her life with you.

      It’s the last that matters she says. Good one, probably not her.

    9. Kaamos_666 on

      I don’t understand the toxic comments saying “she wants passport”. The girl is clearly in love. And we know nothing about this person. This is what happens when you ask about personal stuff online. She’s taken by the idea that you stayed in her life forever. That you became her last. Don’t listen to incels under this thread.

    10. raubtierxxx on

      Where are you from? It seems like he fell in love with you because of your passport ahahahha

    11. Well, beside the what is written, have some sense of privacy dude, be a man. It’s a note to you…

    12. turkish gf wanna get free citizenship, lovely ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)

    13. voodooguerrilla on

      It means run! save you your life!
      Translation: “I want to have sex with you but first let’s marry”

    14. Repulsive-Fox2473 on

      translates to something like this; “help me escape from this country”

    15. SuperbConfection2341 on

      Kızın işini niye verdiniz oğlum elin yabancısına? Belki kız özel yazdı. Kendi çeviremez miydi de siz çeviriyorsunuz. Abi ülke koordinasyonu sıfır bizde.

    16. SpasticGoldenToys on

      Rümeysa’nın hayali erkek arkadaşına yazdığı şiiri buraya paylaşmak için uydurduğu kılıf

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