US-amerikanische Gesetze zur Regulierung von Schusswaffen und Änderungen bei der Schusswaffensterblichkeit. Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass es ein Muster in allen Gesetzen gibt: Die restriktivsten Waffengesetze waren mit einer um 20 % niedrigeren Schusswaffensterblichkeit verbunden als die liberalsten.


  1. Key Points


    How has firearm mortality changed following the implementation of several common state policies that regulate firearms?


    This comparative effectiveness study using mortality rates for all US states from 1979 to 2019 found that the estimated effect sizes of firearm regulations on mortality for individual state firearm regulations were often small and uncertain. However, there was a pattern across policies such that the most restrictive set of firearm policies was associated with 20% lower firearm mortality than the most permissive set.


    The findings of this study suggest that existing state firearm regulations may play a substantial role in mitigating gun violence and might contribute to even greater reductions in mortality if they were more widely adopted.

  2. All such studies reach the same conclusion. That’s why the gun lobby paid congress to make it illegal for the federal government to collect firearms death and injury statistics.

  3. The_White_Ram on

    Combining homicides and suicides for the purposes of analysis is not appropriate. Both are important for analysis however conflating the two is an incorrect way to analyze the issue. Homicides and suicides are distinctly different events with different outcomes and motivating factors. Pilling them together for the purpose of analysis makes it very difficult to actually solve each one appropriately.

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