Arnavut Köy (Das albanische Dorf) in Istanbul (Türkei). Der Bezirk erhielt seinen Namen von einem angesehenen (und unbekannten) Albaner, der dort lebte. Arnavutköy ist heute einer der luxuriösesten Bezirke der Stadt. Hier lebt auch der Großteil der albanischen Minderheit in der Türkei.

Von DanceWithMacaw


  1. mrs_balinaplastelina on

    The first photo is arnavutkoy neighborhood in istanbul. In the second, the map shouws arnavutkoy municipality. Most of the albanians living in istanbul werent that unknown.

  2. Meanwhile most of the arnavuts in Albania dream of living in such quarters all day every day.

  3. farquaad_thelord on

    its called arnavutkoy because albanian stonecutters build the roads

  4. Flashy_Ad_8985 on

    I was in that neighborhood a few weeks ago, had the chance to meet some turkish people with albanian roots. They still embrace the roots no matter what .

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