McDonald’s-Umsätze brechen ein, weil sich die Leute Fastfood nicht leisten können


  1. BeamTeam032 on

    Also it’s such shit food. We can handle shit food when it’s dirt cheap. Now that it’s expensive why would I put up with shit food? All for what? because the CEOs need more profits? To increase shareholder value? Do mega-billion dollar companies need to make record profits every single year? Would it be the end of the world if McDonalds profits exactly the same amount of money it profited the year before? And the year before that? Do they have to squeeze as much juice out of every single employee? Do they have to squeeze every single penny out of their customers?

    You can’t be both shit food and expensive. If I’m going to spend 20-25 bucks on food I’m getting something better.

  2. Error_404_403 on

    Or because a lot of people are on weight-loss drugs and thus cut consumption of fatty and sugary foods.

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