Weiß jemand, was es mit diesen Gruppen auf sich hat? Ich kann sagen, dass es sich um eine Art Betrug handelt, aber ich weiß nicht, was los ist. Sehr beunruhigend, dass sie meine Nummer haben. Weiß jemand, worum es geht?


Von AmoebaSpecialist3109


  1. Crystalline-Luck on

    I see the binance logo

    This means

    1. Ledger leak database
    2. Binance had internal leak few years ago

    Just crooks scraped your number.

    In my country Norway (denmark and sweden ytoo) we have public registry of all personal details including annual salary, living address and phone number.

    Even on new numbers you get spammed to death because they just scrape numbers and addresses. They send you targeted post and telecommunications.

    Absolute heaven for scam artists.

  2. ParkingVast on

    i got one once but in instant messaging. they could be people who are trying to hack you or scam you

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