Könnte der Staudamm-Streit zwischen Ägypten und Äthiopien am Nil eskalieren?




    **Submission Statement:** Ethiopia is preparing to fill the reservoir of the Nile dam for the fifth time by the end of this month. Egypt, which has a population of over 100 million people living on 5% of the arable land along the Nile River and is increasingly water scarce, is concerned that this will lead to drought and will cause issues regarding food and crop production. Approximately 85% of Egypt’s water comes from the Blue Nile, which originates in Ethiopia and is where the dam is built. Recent talks between Egypt and Ethiopia have broken down and experts fear military escalation between the two African nations.

  2. Worried_Exercise_937 on

    Egyptians can pout all they want but at the end of the day, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is located within Ethiopian territory and Ethiopia has no other treaty obligation prohibiting them from building the dam and filling the reservoir with the water. Egyptians do not “own” the Nile nor the water that flow there. Case closed.

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