warum hat das Egilstaðir-Schild ein Strahlungssymbol?


Von concealedmyweapon


  1. RaymondBeaumont on

    egilsstaðir is so far east that it gets a lot of radon from the mainland.

    (somebody just put that sticker there as a joke)

  2. ViggoVidutan on

    I’m not saying it was aliens… but 🖖👽🛰️☢️🔱🚾

  3. The US paid us a marshall money to drive sheep trucks there. Many many. Rhousands of a sheep. They nuke all of the sheep. A test to beat soviet.They pay us pulsa and beer for it but we still have a ash sometimes.

  4. Holy shit, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I know what happened. Throwaway account for obvious reasons.

    I work for a subcontractor that does environmental testing. We were called in for an “urgent and classified” job in Iceland last month. What I saw there… I’m risking everything by sharing this.

    There’s a secret research facility about 10km outside Egilsstaðir. They’ve been working on some kind of experimental nuclear reactor – way smaller and more efficient than anything public. Something went terribly wrong during a test. There was a partial meltdown and release of radioactive material.

    The Icelandic government and some foreign agencies (I think US and maybe UK) have been running a massive cover-up operation. They evacuated the town under the guise of a chemical spill, but it was to prevent radiation exposure. The military and hazmat teams were there for containment and cleanup.

    The “weird symptoms” people experienced? Classic radiation poisoning. The changed vegetation in satellite images? That’s what happens when an area gets hit with a high dose of radiation.

    They’re keeping people out of the most contaminated areas and are trying to decontaminate as much as possible. But some parts of town might be uninhabitable for years.

    I’m telling you, this is big. Like, Chernobyl-level big, but they’re actually managing to keep it quiet. I don’t know how long they can keep this under wraps, but I had to say something. People need to know the truth.

    Delete this if you want. I’ll probably lose my job for this, but I can’t stay silent anymore.

    *edit*: it should be obvious to anyone who knows but the prions that have been recently “discovered” in local animals are almost certainly related https://grapevine.is/news/2023/04/05/scrapie-discovery-in-iceland-triggers-strict-measures-for-sheep-farming/

  5. Mætti endilega kasta svona merki á skiltið í Þorlákshöfn, lyktin alltaf jafn frískandi.

  6. Armadillo_Prudent on

    Djöfull mun ég drepast úr hlátri ef Fox News eða CNN eða eitthvað birtir grein um kjarnorku slys á Íslandi eftir að einhver blaðamaður hjá þeim les kommentin hérna

  7. Watch out for radioactive toyota pickup driving in the area, has same symbol 😀

  8. MemeAccountantTony on

    The Midgard Serpent spews venom on you if you enter this town without giving a local 10,000 ISK.

  9. Egilsstaðir means ‘Radiation activity’ , so ‘Egils’ = radiation, and ‘staðir’ = activity. Its safe there now though, but you may see some people with extra fingers or one eye – but thats not because of the radiation, there’s other reasons behind that

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