1. DazzlingGovernment68 on

    I assume the alerts for speeding can be turned off because it’s such an imposition to poor motorists to have to obey the law.


    A few select vehicles implement feedback via the accelerator pedal, but most vehicles only employ audio and visual warnings. ISA can be switched off or temporarily overridden by the driver at any time by continuing to apply pressure to the accelerator pedal. Can you turn it off?
    It can be switched off but GSR2 requirements mandate that the feature is reenabled- automatically switched back on – every time the car is started.

    There will be some bitching and moaning about this

  2. And mandate they can’t be disabled by the driver like some features can currently.

  3. TheFreemanLIVES on

    >Alcohol Interlock Installation Facilitation

    There’ll be a sober lad in the village whose job will be to go round to all the cars after the pub to get them started.

    Seriously tho, that’s a US solution. We’d never allow it here to begin with. I’d bet most of Europe would be the same.

  4. CarelessEquivalent3 on

    Unfortunately no mention on the regulation of the blinding LED headlights newer cars seem to have.

  5. slowdownrodeo on

    As someone who’s worked for an OEM on the tuning of some of these technologies, can’t say I’m overly pleased with this. It’s a butterfly effect, but its the same core thinking that has led all vehicles to balloon in size, weight and complexity over the last 20 years. Perfectly good cars that become economic write offs after 15 years if a sensor gives up. Mandating these technologies is diminishing returns, and don’t get me started on how poorly tuned some of the emergency braking can be. Ive lost track of how many emergency stops my own car has attempted to make for no reason. 

  6. the_0tternaut on

    >and can combine this data with GPS mapping to keep drivers within speed limits along their routes.

    Well seeing how often my Google Maps is supplying inaccurate data, this is some stupid shit – the minute the system gets something like this wrong and starts beeping at the driver is the minute drivers really start to resent it.

    Also, how is the system meant to guard against people fucking with it by putting fake signs on a motorway and having people’s cars slow them down – these systems rely on AI and AI is VERY hackable.

  7. Consistent_Life_1817 on

    It’s all great until it gives trouble and costs thousands to fix. The more crap like this we put into cars the less reliable they become. I also agree with the comment above on the emergency braking, I have had a few very scary instances where the car has applied them for no reason. I have also had a scary experience where the steering assist cruise control tried to follow an old road works painted line and veered me out of my lane. The technology is not capable in all real world situations

  8. 21stCenturyVole on

    Automatic breaking means you’re placing your life in the hands of a system that is _known_ to bring the car to a stop in dangerous situations, causing crashes.

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