Ich möchte einen Motorradführerschein machen und suche eine gute Schule. Ich bin in Nikosia ansässig und diese hier ist aufgetaucht. Hat jemand Erfahrung damit oder kann jemand etwas Besseres empfehlen? Danke
Von nail_in_the_temple
Just make sure you buy a super loud bike and drive with 150 km/h in the city. No other skills are needed.
Go for it. He is the best. Lessons happen at ths Pavilion parking lot and he is cool so you can probably pass by there to see him between classes. But call him to make sure. I took lessons with him, even went to the track. Oh and if you want to meet likeminded people feel free to drop by the Ledras Motorcycle Club, right next to Faneromeni school. Cool people.