Senator Woo spielt Beweise herunter, dass China die Abgeordneten Chong, Kwan – National | ins Visier genommen hat
Verweist auf auffällige Zahlen zur Kaufkraft in den nordischen Ländern – „Ist es teuer, Isländer zu sein?“
n3buch4dnezz4r on 24.06.2024 7:56 AM “So, you see, if we just increase the infrastructure budget by 20%, we can build a few more private villas and still leave some potholes to complain about!”
AnalysisQuiet8807 on 24.06.2024 8:07 AM “I kazem ja njemu jaraneeee ne postoji burek sa sirom to je sirnica…”
This is so spot on, can’t unsee it!
“So, you see, if we just increase the infrastructure budget by 20%, we can build a few more private villas and still leave some potholes to complain about!”
“I kazem ja njemu jaraneeee ne postoji burek sa sirom to je sirnica…”
Ttaktika uvijek pali,kad mačora primiš za vrat….