Ist das wahr ?

Von GreenShen98


  1. kurdechanian on

    Kyrgyzstan, with a military budget not above Georgia’s would want others to protect them lol.

  2. susamcocuk on

    Is there really any Turkic country other than Azerbaijan and Turkiye that has an army that can compete with the standards of today’s modern world?

    Come on, it doesn’t matter if the army is old, but when Turkiye offered the development of the Kaan Aircraft to the Turkic countries, we did not receive any feedback from any of them except Azerbaijan.

    I believe that Kyrgyzstan is only proposing this in order to show that it has the support of the Turkic countries in Central Asia in case of border conflicts with Tajikistan or possible military action in accordance with its own interests.

    In particular, Kyrgyzstan is the only Turkic country that refuses to adopt the Latin alphabet and it is under the influence of Russia-China, so this proposal of Kyrgyzstan does not seem convincing and sincere to me.

  3. datashrimp29 on

    I think this is all deflection. Turkey doesn’t give a shit about turkic countries. They are far more interested in expanding to Africa these days.

  4. It is difficult to protect these countries against China and Russia. Maybe Azerbaijan,Turkey and Turkmenistan even Uzbekistan can feel safe but i can’t say same for another countries. Logisticly it is difficult to protect in a convensional war. Best way is balance policy against China and Russia with one of them+Turkic countries. When there was a social problem in Kazakhstan, Russian army was invited not armies of Turkic countries and all Turkic countries was silent they couldn’t understood what happened, why happened etc.

    There was rumors Krgzistan suggested it to Azerbaijan but military partnership even alliances are difficult responsibility and risk. Firstly economic,cultural and diplomatic partnership should grow, and later each countries should modernize and grow their military powers. Last step would be real military alliances.

  5. Rare_Charity_1770 on

    It’s not possible in near to mid term. Kazakhstan is with China and Russia plus there is the CSTO. Anyway they might be busy soon.

  6. Buttsuit69 on

    To those who are like “ew why we help them?” Let me remind you that Azerbaijan was much in a similar situation as Kyrgyzstan is today.

    And some of yall talk about corruption like we are any better…

    Maybe if we gave Kyrgyzstan a little hope they’d be more willing to change for the better. İnstead they’re shunned for not being better on their own what dream are you guys living in?

  7. Buttsuit69 on

    To those who are like “ew why we help them?” Let me remind you that Azerbaijan was much in a similar situation as Kyrgyzstan is today.

    And some of yall talk about corruption like we are any better…

    Maybe if we gave Kyrgyzstan a little hope they’d be more willing to change for the better. İnstead they’re shunned for not being better on their own what powertrip superiority complex kinda dream are you guys living in?

  8. LynxBlackSmith on

    Frankly needs to happen.

    Russia has proven itself to be a dangerous neighbor and has brainrotted nationalists saying Kazakhstan is not a real nation and have openly called for annexing its territory holding ethnic Russians, same BS they did with Ukraine.

    Kazakhstan is too geographically cut off from Europe and too underpopulated to defeat Russia on its own, despite Russia’s pathetic performance. I think that a Turkish defense pact would be great for both moral reasons (Defense of another country) and to increase cooperation amongst Turkish countries.

  9. Eastboundtexan on

    Doesn’t seem likely unless the entire CSTO is collapsing with Armenia stepping away

  10. NonstopQuack on

    The people whinning about a union being impossible seriously need to be bullied harder in life. Mfer if you wanna whine about everything and nonstop doompost, then yes no shit nothing is gonna work. That is why you put normal people in charge of solving existing problems.

    Russia can defend its borders, but somehow it would be impossible for a proper turkic union.

    Germany and France can become allies, but because the turkic nations didnt say anything when Turkey downed a russian plane, “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ALLLIANCE IMPOSSIBLEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!”.

    Israel can have a proper military industrial complex, but for Turkey it is impossible and it will never work.

    Ffs why do we need enemies with such moronic turks? Get your head out of your butt, grow a pair of balls and use your remaining 2 brain cells. A turkic union can definetly outshine and outperform modern day Russia. It all boils down to creating opportunities, making plans and putting in some dedication.

  11. I didn’t find a confirmation. Though, it’s not like I was looking a lot.

  12. Icy_Zookeepergame595 on

    It is not possible for Turkic States to become a Nato-like formation because, apart from Azerbaijan and Turkey, other Turkic Countries are in a terrible situation politically, militarily and economically. If a formation like Nato is necessary, first of all, these Turkic countries need an economic forum suitable for them because they are experiencing a certain economic isolation. In order to overcome this, the clown person in Turkmenistan must first be eliminated, then Azerbaijan must force Armenia to open the Zangezur Corridor. Turkey needs to invest in other Turkic republics, including Azerbaijan, and make more comprehensive bilateral agreements. Then, Turkey needs to make the Turkic states in the region feel that they are isolated and under political pressure by Russia and China, and show a way out accordingly. Then, military aid is needed to these Turkic countries. Without these things, it is not possible to have a Nato-like structure among the Turkic countries, and at the same time, Turkey needs to provide these. It does not have a huge amount of money to realize this. If it had such money, the Current Administration would pour this money into domestic politics to increase the voting rates.

    Realpolitikally speaking, I think it is more realistic to have a loose military bond between the Turkic countries, a tight economic environment, and if there is to be a tight military alliance, all the states in the Turkestan region will federalize to create a unified federal state with tremendous independence in internal affairs, foreign relations, economic policy and army. It would be beneficial for the people in that area. In particular, the free movement of goods and people can take forward steps that are more capable of developing the region and securing their independence.

    Long story short: Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan: Federated States of Turkestan.

    Türkiye-Azerbaijan-Georgia: Caucasus Economic Development and Free Trade Pact

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