1. Ok so the ones that are expected to be affected most by the rising sea levels, just keep going year after year, scooping up the sand and dropping it further back. Problem solved. 😎

    p.s according to this


    So I’d say start with mackenzie first

  2. amarao_san on

    They project 30cm raise until 2050. Does not sound too much. But, when Ladies Mile become Lady Smile (absorbing swamps) we will get new beaches right next to the casino. Had they counted for this?

  3. covid4202020 on

    Sure ,thats way Korantina keep building houses on the beach and insurance companies insuring those houses

  4. cupris_anax on

    How will they call the area where the water meets the land in 50 years?

  5. This week the Daily Mirror has a headline stating that the UK is to be blasted with a 26C heatwave for 48 hours.

    the politico’s tell us they can save the world (from ourselves) if we all just started paying more taxes, meanwhile they fly off to another country vs. just having the meetings on Zoom.

    odd how those developers keep building multi-billon Euro buildings right next to the beach while the politico’s & environmentalists keep pushing the climate change agenda.

    do you get it yet?

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