Albanien hat das schnellste Tor in der EM-Geschichte geschossen!

Von AllMightAb


  1. spuriousmuse on

    Just watched this match and thought Albania played heroically. Moreover, I can use it without worrying about patronising the team: given the pressure, the historic/legendary first goal, and the chances (especially that almost-goal and phenomenal attempt at the end of the match).

    Definitely things to tighten up and improve but cracking game and enough heart and efficiency in the performance of Albania one could honestly hope for a tournament victory (while staying on the side of ‘considerably optimistic realism’ rather than that of ‘madness/dreams’).

    Congratulations Albania. Just awesome stuff. (And thanks for a wonderful game of football to watch).

  2. Hot_Satisfaction_333 on

    Bravo Bajramit.Kur u be goli sekonden e pare se besova se u fut topi ne rrjet,vetem kur pashe Bajramin teksa festonte te tifozet e mora vesh😂, nese ato 30 minuta te tjera ta
    kishim mbajtur lojen me pasime dhe Hysaj te mos ishte fare ne loje kushedi si kishte shkuar rezultati…

  3. Gjithcka eshte mire , Brazili ka humb 7-1 , gjss mendoj se paten pak emicione minutat e para dhe goli u hallakati pak ,dhe e humen boshtin , pastaj e morem lojen ne dore , po gjss ishim ter kohen ne loje per barazim , #ecim cuna

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