Ich komme aus Holland und hier gibt es so viele Unruhen und unfreundliche Menschen. Ich war während meines Aufenthalts von der Gastfreundschaft und dem allgemeinen Gefühl der Entspannung überrascht. Wenn ich raten würde, wäre es andersherum. Mich interessieren die Gedanken anderer Leute dazu.


Von Paardenlid


  1. Well, there is a simple reason for why Icelanders are so high on this list. Depression runs rampant in Icelandic society and people don’t like being depressed, and so they turn to antidepressants, which helps mitigate the problem.

  2. The lack of sun in the winter and lack of darkness in the summer is a big factor in my books. I’ve lived in Spain for some time and it was a game changer.

    Love my country but I go at least 4times a year to Spain to recharge.

  3. Because taking meds is considered easier than dealing with your problems? I think part of it is also that people seem to really have issues with seasonal depression. It is quite dark during the winter months, cold and miserable. The summer comes along and you have almost 24 hours of light, but the weather may not always be the greatest.

    It is then very easy for people to get prescriptions based on seasonal depression, but also a high percentage of the nation has ADHD, the rat race for prestige and owning stuff is quite intense and people deal with FOMO due to social media, the news and comparison with your neighbours.

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