Ist die richtige Bezeichnung Zyprioten oder Superidioten?

Von CelestialDimension


  1. Personal-Wing3320 on

    yo guys, why everyone is bitching about the guy? Were the other MEPs sooooo good?

  2. CupcakeMurder86 on

    TBF, most cypriots were at the Coldplay concert on Saturday and didn’t make it back in time to vote 🤷‍♀️

  3. Official_Cyprusball on

    Ατε ε ψηφίσαμε Φειδία

    Τώρα εν σειρά σου ρε Γιορκο

    2J ΒΟΥΛΕΥΤΙΚΕΣ 2026!!!!!

  4. Bitter-Chemical-5641 on

    Unpopular opinion but I think he is exactly what we needed

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