Dies sind also genau dieselben Produkte von Albert Heijn in den Niederlanden und Wellbees in Malta, die heute, am 8. Juni 2024, zum gleichen Preis angeboten werden. Es ist wirklich ein trauriger Witz, Lebensmittelgeschäfte in diesem Land sind eine Abzocke. Dieses Geschäft ist in den Niederlanden kein Billigladen, sondern zählt tatsächlich zu den teureren. Miete, Personalkosten, Nebenkosten, Genehmigungen und alle anderen denkbaren Kosten werden dort deutlich höher sein, aber nur ein Produkt in diesem Beispiel ist hier etwas billiger. Es soll keine wissenschaftliche Studie sein, sondern nur eine zufällige Auswahl.
Das Einzige, was für niederländische Geschäfte günstiger sein könnte, sind Transportkosten und Mengenrabatte, aber ich kann kaum glauben, dass das zu einem so großen Unterschied führen könnte. Die MCCAA sollte darauf achten, aber tut sie das wirklich?
Von halibtalbenna
Why the hell are you buying from wellbees? Its the most expensive place here. Pavi Pama and Eurospin have the best prices.
These are only a select few items. Most items sold in ah (and other nl supermarkets) are way more expensive than any other store in Malta. Also if you look at price per kg for the parmigiano it’s actually more expensive in nl, based on your pictures.
There’s most certainly a cost of living crisis, with rampant inflation, but it’s happening all over Europe, including the Netherlands. I don’t think that the premise of your question is correct (that Malta is significantly more expensive). It’s unfair to compare the higher-end stores for affordability. You should be looking at “What’s the cheapest I can get [product]” as a more fair comparison.
I understand your point/frustration but there’s economy of scale. Malta is just too small to get a proper logistics chain going.
Nevertheless I wouldn’t be surprised if some supermarkets still take advantage of the local situation.
Also, compared to 15 years ago at least there’s much bigger choice of products and supermarkets available.
1. Dutch people are cheap af
2. You are shopping at a premium store in a highly international part of Malta with people having international wages
3. You are looking at imported brands, these come with a premium when imported to Malta which is slight larger than Groningen… being a distributor doesn’t give you any scalable leverage. Some times they are even covering Malta via Italy. Freight is an issue.
4. Dutch people are cheap af
Uhm, yeah? Malta is literally just a small island, that import costs money
You’re living on an island so there’s import costs too, and ofc it had to be a Dutch person complaining about something that’s only one euro more in their own country.
Youre forgetting cost of transportation