Laut einer neuen Umfrage glauben Europäer, dass Amerika sie im Stich lassen wird: Nur 6 % sehen die USA als „sehr zuverlässigen“ Garanten für die europäische Sicherheit im nächsten Jahrzehnt

Von semafornews


  1. semafornews on

    From the [Semafor Principals]( newsletter:

    As President Biden lands in Europe, a new poll finds only 6% of Western Europeans see the US as a “very reliable” guarantor of European security over the next decade.

    The survey from the Institute for Global Affairs housed at the Eurasia Group found 46% of adults in the UK, Germany, and France view the US as somewhat reliable in its security commitments; another 46% believe it is at least somewhat unreliable, with the French and Germans most skeptical.

    The survey, conducted in April, also found broad support among Americans and Western Europeans for pushing for a “negotiated settlement” to end the Russian invasion of Ukraine, despite reluctance on the part of the White House and officials in some European capitals to pressure Kyiv to the negotiating table.

    [Read the full story here.](

  2. ItsACaragor on

    US could not be faulted for looking after itself first if their interests diverged with ours, they owe us nothing.

    That’s why we should obviously cultivate our special relationship with the US but also build up our own abilities as well just in case.

    « Hope for the best, prepare for the worst ».

  3. I wonder how this poll would have gone in the first half of the 2010s, before the chance of a volatile, autocrat-loving manbaby being the decision maker in the US became a reality with a chance of round 2.

  4. nocountryforcoldham on

    Was this commissioned by russia? Because the underlying sentiment definitely was

  5. wafercrackerjack on

    Why in the first place is this question being asked to begin with? Europe can’t defend it’s own shores?

    Im Asian by the way, so Im genuinely curious.

  6. ToughReplacement7941 on

    Well considering there’s a growing number who don’t view the west as the security they want, no surprise. 

  7. Still more then 50% thinks the US is reliable. Focussing only on the 6% that express very reliable is a bit pushing the agenda…

    For comparison, what would the score be if you ask Eastern Europeans about the very reliability of f.e. France and Germany..

  8. Working-Yesterday186 on

    “Europeans” = UK, Germany, and France I guess. Go ask that question in Poland, I bet you will see different results

  9. 46% say somewhat reliable, so a majority thinks America is more likely __not__ to ‘leave them out to dry’. Dumb sensationalist headline as always.

  10. May be we should start to rely on ourselves more than allies ? Having the US as an ally is great, but it is even better if we have significant capabilities ourselves.

  11. Realistic_Lead8421 on

    Well what are we going to do about it? We need 1.000 strategic nuclear missiles. That is literally the only thing we need along with EU based legal framework that will ensure that anyone who tries something stupid against EU territory will have its population centers turned to glass.

  12. azure_apoptosis on

    It can’t really be hung out to dry when there has been so much time to prepare. ‘Will they lend assistance should there be a call?’ Is a more appropriate prompt

  13. America is the antithesis of European security. It is not that they will leave Europe out to dry… it is that they will get Europe wet in the first place.

  14. monkeybeaver on

    In fairness, haven’t Europe contributed sweet FA to NATO or pretty close? That’s not getting hung out to dry.

  15. Can someone explains to whomever made this poll that somewhat reliable is the definition of unreliable.

  16. YallaHammer on

    Ukraine gave up their nukes with the promise of American defense and they’ve been regretting it ever since

  17. NewDividend on

    Ya, Americans have only had Europes back for the last 120 years and protected them from Russian occupation for the last 75. Time for some inner reflection and probably a history lesson for our European ‘Allies’.

  18. vlmkrmigransvoltam on

    Not their continent. Time to take care of our own affairs and reclaim our sovereignty. Budapest is leading that charge.

  19. Equal-Fee-3454 on

    sounds about right.

    should “he” win, the theoretical chance for me to have to continue where my grandpa left off is not 0.

    winter 39-40. been a while

  20. I just don’t see how we’re the unreliable ones. Outside of the frontline countries I feel like we’ve been the most committed. It’s crazy how some people just flip the narrative man

  21. I think part of the confusion is the wording of “guarantor” which sounds like some outsourcing agreement, the more applicable word would be “partner”.

  22. FututiMODulMatiii on

    Bro, have you seen the american population?

    If they treat their population so fucking bad, why does anyone think they will treat us better?!

  23. Defiant-Traffic5801 on

    Europe matters less than before from a geopolitical standpoint.
    – It’s a valuable market for American companies but tricky at times and it presents lower growth prospects than others except for defense and energy.
    – Few operations hailing from Europe are really strategic besides ASML Holdings
    – The relationship between European and US leaders is increasingly transactional and there likely won’t be another president after Biden that would qualify as an Atlantist : Joe is as good as it gets: George W Bush was indifferent, Obama was focused on the East, Trump is transactional and focused on his self interests: he wanted to trade military aid to Ukraine against dirt on the Bidens, after all.
    – Generally speaking, to US liberals Europe’s a bunch of old style, unredeemable colonialists and to the rest it’s a painful and unrewarding distraction to more pressing domestic matters.

  24. The US being the guarantor of European security is the biggest issue in the first place.

    King Baldwin said it best in the Kingdom of Heaven: “your soul is in your keeping alone”. Europe should strive to defend herself as best as possible. Germans should stop being afraid of the image of the German soldier. Brits should start getting more men into their military. The Brits have 80 thousand men in their Army, with a population of 67 million. At the height of her power, the Roman Empire had 40 legions, approximately 200.000 men, plus the auxiliary and support personnel, with a population of roughly the same size at its height. I find it ridiculous that an Iron Age empire could field and move around Europe more professional soldiers than a developed country in the 21st century. I could go on, for every country.

    I feel like our leaders became complacent, thinking the Pax Americana will forever assure the existence of the European welfare state. It won’t. As far as I’m concerned, Pax Americana is over, at least for the time being. There are 140+ hot wars across the globe, one right next to us. Trump’s “defend yourselves, bozos” message isn’t new. For how many years were the Americans urging Europe to starting pulling her own weight?

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