Was denkst du über dieses Video?

Von SnooPuppers1429


  1. Dude, the guy making a vid is legit an american diaspora nationalist, that thinks macedonians arent slavs.

    Just read actual books by people that lived during the time and then decide were you stand on the whole topic if you are interested.

    P.S.: The morron reading the text with a mocking accent that almost all balkan slavs have, shows you how much he thinks of all of us.

  2. FearlessThought2763 on

    This guy is a dillusional “celadae” Macedonia. That’s what I think about him. Because wikipedia reflects the current understanding of historians. Read Sugareff, Goce’s letters, any “macedonian” that lived at the time. Misirkov’s “Za Makedonckite raboti” is a clear example of early stage separatism. But to have separatism you must have the stage before that, and the stage before that is pretty clear: the Macedonian slav and the Bulgarian slav were one and the same slav​.

  3. He is correct in raising the issues about how Wiki is edited and written. Especially for Puleski and Misirkov, and the “silly” comment that is added on what needs to be a “serious” encyclopedia. Wiki history articles are bullshit from the moment it was created. The encyclopedia has an altruist idea, but the world is not an altruist place.

    I read Britannica instead, when it comes to history exclusively.

  4. TheTastyHoneyMelon on

    The Kiradjieffs are Bulgarian:

    The Reference number 6 in Wikipedia; Princeton Alumni Weekly, Volume 75, page 10:


    I didn’t like the fact that he mocks the article with that accent, even though both Macedonia and Bulgaria are south slavic with similiar languages. Therefore I presume that the post is just rage bait

    If it’s true what he claims, he can at any time change the Articles with references, don’t need to make a fuz about it. I mean like, if PewDiePie can change his official height, then you can do anything.

  5. CondensedHappiness on

    The guy is a liar and super uber biased. Cant be taken seriously.

  6. FitMud1556 on


    Не сме сите Мијаци-словени по потекло. Знам дека ова на многумина нема да им се допадне, но ова всушност е најголемата разлика меѓу бугарите. Не има Албанци и Власи по потекло и не ги мирисаме премногу бугарите.

  7. AwarenessAdorable367 on

    Проблемот со куќа без темели е тоа што и слаб ветер може да ја турне.

    Модерниот Македонски идентитет е изграден на начин на кој неможе да преживее во доба на отворен пристап до информации, па се што криво лево се метело под тепих излегува.

    Фрустрирачки е фактот што немораше да биде така, и имавме шанса да го корегираме курсот во 90тите но ние избравме да double down со антички бабини деветини со што станавме предмет за подсмев пред светот.

    Вистинската Македонска историја само ќе го закрепни засебниот македонски идентитет, нема од што да се плашиме ни да се срамиме.

  8. relaksirano on

    se nakotile bugari na temava…. isto ovaka dezuraat na wikipedia, ne daj boze da sakas da korigiras nesto tamu. Cepki!

  9. NovaAzbuka on

    I like this guy. Only Macedonian YouTuber about history or about Macedonian history.

    I think the video is pretty good. I have personally seen Wikipedia being biased asf even outside of Bulgarian Wikipedia. Similar to what Croatian Wikipedia used to be.

    Macedonian history isn’t a big subject of debate in English Wikipedia so if there are some people who say X person was Bulgarian at first so it’s hard to change it with a smaller group of people (Macedonians) saying otherwise, also people also have a bad habit of just trusting the status quo of Wikipedia.

    Wikipedia is great, but if you are doing serious research, see the sources and etc. See both sides.

    Ofc, Macedonian sources sometimes are also bad and biased, not saying that it’s because it’s not a Macedonian source.

    But ye, I agree with the video.

    Wikipedia is still great for things tho.

  10. JerryBrown_ on

    Кој го држи денес Синсинати Чили? Истата фамилија, наследниците? Знае некој?

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