Wie Russen ihr Geld nach Nordzypern transferieren | Konzentrieren Sie sich auf Europa

Von Unhappy-Finance7535


  1. haloumiwarrior on

    It is a bit cheaper, but *much* cheaper isn’t true anymore. That’s just talk of the realitors. Prices went up a lot in the last years; they are asking crazy prices for some of those “luxury” appartments nowadays. Now if you make the whole calculation, including fees and taxes, legal incertainty regarding construction defects, building quality, rental and resale value, maintenance fees and running cost (which are often very high); you will find better deals in Turkey or Montenegro (with a real perspective of becoming EU member) Those countries do not ask much about the origin of your money either. The market with appartments in North Cyprus will crash at some point. The inflow of Russians and Iranians will get less at some point, and even if not; newcomers buy in new developments, not resale. They don’t even know about the resale market, because all realitors will direct them to the new constructions. It’s just so much less work for realitors and more profitable. Who should buy your appartment then if you ever want to sell? Who will rent if there are so many new ones available that are much better promoted?

  2. Capitano-Solos-All on

    Δε τους ευρωπαίους που ε να μας φταίξουν τσε για τούτο πάλε.

  3. Cool_Distribution860 on

    The amount of non-Cypriot people who confuse Northern Cyprus as being the same with Southern Cyprus is insanely high. ( Im off topic, but I just wanted to get this out there because it had to be said )

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