Welche Gedanken haben Sie, die Sie in eine solche Lage bringen könnten?


Von External_Scale_6555


  1. True_Area_4806 on

    Depends if I have strong arguments that support my side. If not – starting to question my position.

  2. Fantastic-Plastic569 on

    Not Belarus related? Israel are the good guys in the current conflict, without any “if” or “but”. They have the right to wage war on Hamas in Gaza.

  3. PlantBasedStangl on

    I support the law where it’s illegal to take photos of Tarakan from the angles where he’s balding. It should be illegal to take photos of that overgrown toddler from every angle, knowing how his ugly mug looks like is literally an infohazard.

  4. Political opposition from 2010 joined protests in 2020, not the other way around.

  5. WalrusInTheRoom on

    I want a walrus, but people seem to say that’s a bad idea: personally? I want that fat fucker. I’d probably be able to swing a fish/clamshell deal. I mean, the only people stopping me are the very people against my idea

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