Hallo r/Italien!

Grüße aus Peru, ich habe das vor Kurzem geschenkt bekommen und noch nie probiert. Für mich sieht es dem Jamon Iberico ähnlich, hat aber wahrscheinlich einen anderen Geschmack. Ich habe gelesen, dass man ihn roh essen soll, aber ich frage mich, welche anderen Verzehrmöglichkeiten Sie mir empfehlen. Kann ich ihn zu einer Pizza hinzufügen? Zu einem Salat? Zu Pasta? Vielen Dank.


Von AlmondMilkGlass


  1. Usually it’s eaten alone or in cold sandwiches, or you can make appetizers with other non-cooked, savory stuff (bread, cheese, olives etc).

    If you put in on cooked food (e.g. pizza), you need to put it on at the end **after** the pizza has been cooked and is out of the oven, because it’s always best **not** to cook prosciutto crudo – if you cook it loses its consistence, the fat melts and the only flavor remaining is a very salty one.

  2. gesuimbecille on

    we don’t usually add it to pasta or salads. You can put it on a pizza but only after it’s out of the oven. It’s perfectly safe to eat as is, don’t worry

  3. Neuroprancers on

    With cubed melon (musk melon, the orange one with “webbed” exterior)

  4. tarzanello89 on

    – Difficuly: Easy

    – Preparation time: 1 hr

    – take your box of prosciutto and boil it for 40 min with garlic, carrots and potatoes
    – add salt and black pepper
    – spread over a lot of cheese and butter
    – put it in microvawe , grill mode, 15 min
    – take the prosciutto out of the box, and add a little bit of olive oil
    – serve on a cup and enjoy 😉

  5. Known-Diet-4170 on

    you can do a lot with it actually, i personally do not recomend cooking it (there’s ham for that), but aside from that, you can definitly put on pizza and many other things like focaccia, you can make a sandwich (probably the most common use here really), you could probably put in a salad and although i’ve never put in on pasta you could probably invent something decent with it, another popular way it’s eaten here in italy is with a slice of melon or even alone as apetizer

  6. If you want to go classic Italian you can put it in a sandwich, [specifically a “panino” called “rosetta”](https://www.mercatomoderno.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Pane-Rosetta.jpeg). Just the rosetta with the prosciutto inside.

    Alternatively, it can go on pizza, usually a pizza with mozzarella, cherry tomatoes (or tomato sauce: i prefer the latter but the original recipe has the cherry tomatoes), arugula and grana cheese pieces (and prosciutto): it’s called [Primavera](https://www.silviocicchi.com/pizzachef/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/p-evid2-672×372.jpg) pizza.

    Another classic is [“prosciutto e melone”](https://staticcookist.akamaized.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2022/08/Prosciutto-e-melone-foto-finale-1-1659435444128.jpg), just the prosciutto on sliced musk melon. Used most in summer and as before the main dish.

    I don’t know any pasta with it, maybe with a sweet vegetable sauce as zucchini sauce, but it’s not a usual thing.

  7. taiottavios on

    yea raw, it’s like jamon iberico, just more salty. We eat it in sandwiches, with mozzarella, with melon slices and on “grissini” (they are dry sticks of bread, very long and thin, you can wrap the thing around them and it kinda looks like a handle)

  8. carmeloanthony015 on

    If you’ve never tasted it before I recommend initially eating it on its own, then eventually try pairing it with bread, focaccia, cheese

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