Habe gerade diesen Artikel gelesen, dass ein Kind beim Fahren mit einem Elektroroller auf der Straße schwer verletzt wurde und mehrere Knochenbrüche und sogar einen Schädelbruch erlitt.
Dreizehnjähriger verunfallt schwer mit Roller | Cyprus Mail (cyprus-mail.com)
Das ist wirklich traurig, aber meiner Meinung nach ist es keine Überraschung, denn man sieht ständig Kinder auf Rollern auf der Straße. Vor etwa einem Jahr wurden einige Vorschriften eingeführt, die sie von Hauptstraßen verbannten und sie, glaube ich, nur auf Straßen mit einer Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung von 30 km/h erlaubten (zitieren Sie mich nicht), aber diese Regeln scheinen nicht streng genug durchgesetzt zu werden.
Das Ergebnis sind Kinder, die ohne Führerschein auf den Straßen fahren und die Straßenverkehrsregeln nicht kennen. Aus Sicht der Autofahrer wird uns nicht richtig beigebracht, wie wir diese Roller (oder Fahrräder) auf derselben Straße wie uns unterbringen können.
Ich bin ganz für neuere, umweltfreundlichere Transportmethoden, aber uns fehlt einfach die Infrastruktur, um sicheres Rollerfahren zu ermöglichen.
Was denken Sie über das Thema
Von beaver316
Yeah, 100% agreed. The initial regulation is a bit stupid as it introduces a punitive measure without considering any other alternatives. But still, riding a scooter on a road is very dangerous
Police doing nothing, we have a law against scooters on public roads, on cyclists not wearing helmets, parking on double yellow line which creates traffic. Until someone dies police wont bat an eye.
How often do you see a person on a scooter or bicycle wearing reflective clothes during the night
The law is kind stupid. The specific scooters are used to get from point A to point B. If that includes a busy road, it’s on the user.
That being said, I saw a young boy (not sure of the age) riding a rental scooter (the green ones) and the handlebar was under his chin. Next to him was an adult woman, maybe his mother? Not sure. Either way, she put her child in danger because if he tripped, he would’ve hurt himself.
There should be an age limit for eshooters because of their size and speed.
Regarding the infrastructure I’ve seen roads that have bike lanes and right next to the bike lane someone on the busy road with their bicycle.
It’s the same mentality with the sidewalks. When it’s there, people don’t use them, when it’s not there, people complain that they can’t go anywhere without being hurt.
Not to mention people using the bike lanes as a sidewalk when the sidewalk is literally right next to them.
Ban those things out right. How many scooter riders i ve seen doing stupid shit and endangering themselves and other drivers. Ban it all together.
Scooters and bicycles should only be allowed on sidewalks while being forced to pay attention to the pedestrians. Their speed is closer to that of a pedestrian, not road vehicles.
3 days ago at Makariou avenue saw 2 guys riding electric scooters.I stopped and opened my window.I warned them that their life is in danger riding electric scooter in the middle if the road.They were tourists and they had no idea how careless cypriot drivers are.Hoping that they left the scooters and rented a car
People need to take appropriate measures when they’re sharing the road.
It doesn’t say who was at fault in this accident, but many times I see scooter drivers (and ebikes etc) who go on the road when it’s convenient, then cross the road or turn on red because suddenly they think they are pedestrian. They have no indicators and never indicate that they’re gonna just turn suddenly.
Also many scooters has no reflectors or lights so you have kids dressed in black riding down dark roads who are barely visible.
If you’re going to ride in the road, recognize you are small, need to follow road rules and you can easily be in drivers blind spots.