Bei einem Terroranschlag in Moskau kamen das Ehepaar Vugar Huseynov und Lilit Israelyan ums Leben. Das Paar hat ein 1,5-jähriges Kind.

Von datashrimp29


  1. RIP. I saw a post on Facebook about them. Some people wrote disgusting things about this late couple. F them all.

  2. Allah rəhmət eləsin.
    This is incredibly sad.
    Condolences to their family members.

  3. let_me_rate_urboobs on

    All those mofos who left disgusting comments just because of her ethnicity, I wish you never see sun ever!

  4. Apperantly Lilith Israelyan is an armenian jew. They look so nice together.

  5. Evet politikacılar sivillere yapılan saldırıları kendi planları için kullanır yani algı yönetimi komplo olabilir. Ama müslüman kültürden çıkan yüzlerce terör örgütü var bu çok açık. Uzakdoğu’da yok, Avrupa da yok, Amerika’da yok !? ))

  6. CalmEquivalent9302 on

    Not related, but you can easily say she is Armenian from her face

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