Dafür zahlt die armenische Diaspora, einige Möchtegern-„Kreuzritter“-Clowns heute vor der aserbaidschanischen Botschaft in London


Von Weak-Address-386


  1. NotSamuraiJosh26_2 on

    These people certainly don’t look like diplomatic cars.Why are they standing there ?

  2. seymen_the_boss on

    What the hell is this? No I mean they could have put anything on those banner, anything really meaningful but no!, Christ is king it is!

  3. I want to see more of this!

    Reputation & money were wasted. 1 stone 2 birds

  4. Opening_Success8716 on

    Genghis Khan should have touched them earlier,so this wouldn’t happen…

  5. Bluejay1889 on

    LMAO. Only 14 people turned out for such a loser event. Armenians in diaspora were expecting hundreds of concerned Christian. Lol.

  6. tugrul_ddr on

    They occupied Azerbaijan’s lands. Then Azerbaijan took them back. It’s not related to religion at all. Biggest enemy of Christianity is ignorance. Same with Islam. People will go forward when they learn to look forward.

  7. If armenians knew their limits and didnt do stupid shit they would have still live in their “historic” land but no they have be the stupid.

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