Was ist, wenn er erneut gewinnt?


Von sound_wave122


  1. We will have to ignore him for 4 year thankfully we are good at overturning our government without casualties

  2. I’m american and a democrat so my opinion is skewed, but 1. Biden is a lot more like Kosovos leading party 2. Biden took a more proactive role in defending Kosovo

  3. Ukshin_Bana on

    Te analizojme pak platformen e tij:

    Fraksioni i tij brenda partise Republikane jane nacionalist-izolacionista.

    Politika e tyre eshte terheqja e Amerikes prej rolit te saj global, dhe fokusi ne qeshtje te brendshme. Kjo nuk eshte mire per Kosoven e as NATO-n.

    Ne kete kontekst, perkrahja dhe politika e tij qe na ta formojme ushtrine (si dhe manovrat tjera politike) marrin komplet kuptim tjeter. Qellimi nuk eshte perkrahja jone dhe forcimi i Kosoves – qellimi eshte terheqja faqebardhe e Amerikes.

    Shkeputja e Amerikes nga projekti i shtetndertimit te Kosoves ka pasoja katastrofale per ne. Trump eshte i rrezikshem ne kete kontekst.

    Por kti si dihet. Njeri ka fole edhe ka vepru ndryshe gjat mandatit. Vertete vshtire me e parashiku.

  4. Easy_Cancel5497 on

    if he wins again that means its game over.

    a triad of USA/China/Russia will split up the world,

    then inevitably start a infight with nukes and *poof* nuclear apocalypse

  5. me trumpin rikthehet edhe shkembimi ne tavoline dhe shfaqet nje mundsi per me zhduk asociacionin..

  6. He will win and America and the world will be better off. Biden is a weak old man who can’t run America. You ppl think he’ll be good in foreign policy? Name one time he has been? I’ll wait. Kosovo needs to be ran by Kosovo. Not Biden

  7. wigglediggle1 on

    What’s everyone’s problem with him? Kosovo – Serbia land swap is literally a Soros plan, his biggest enemy

  8. Samiralami on

    Honestly, brace yourselves. I guarantee you whoever Trump appoints as the envoy in Kosovo will be a disaster for the nation. There are pro-Serb elements within his inner-circle, e.g Grennel.

  9. Ju të Kosovës jeni akoma me Partinë Demokratike të Klintonit. Gjërat kanë ndryshuar politikisht ne USA. Demokratët tani reprezantojnë më të keqen e njerëzimit. Njësoj sic ju doni më të mirën për Kosoven, ashtu dhe amerikanët duan më të mirën për shtetin e tyre. Edhe këtu ka probleme. Propaganda në Europë kundra Trumpit ka arritur kulmet, trushpëlarje në masë. Edukojeni njëher veten dhe mos bini pre e propagandës po kerkoni dhe lexoni fjalën e lirë.

  10. DardanianGOD on

    Ky ta zgjidh problemin e Kosoves edhe ta jep njohen e Serbis. Tjeter sen qe na kurr s’kemi me kan t’knaqun pa marr parasysh qka na ofrohet. Trump osht i mire per Ameriken e s’kem pse me shajt ni njeri qe ja don tmiren vendit tvete ( edhe pse kosoves mundet mi ra keq)

  11. InvestigatorBig2226 on

    Trump -> Israel recognises kosovo
    Biden -> Sanctions, talk shit all day

  12. WebisticsCEO on

    Trump and his envoy will continue to use Kosovo as a bargaining chip to attract Serbia as a West/NATO ally.

    Richard Grenell has been attacking Kurti on Twitter for years. And has praised Thaci in the process and promised to release him from prison.

    Trump as US President is still very likely. Do not rule him out. Biden is really fumbling this Gaza situation and is too Pro-Israel just like Donald Trump.

  13. top_drives_player on

    Let me ask you a simple questions. What’s his plan of making America great again?

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