Warschau: Ein Verfassungsentwurf für die Republik Smolensk wurde heute von regionalen Delegationen vorgestellt. Sie streben die Unabhängigkeit vom Kreml und schließlich den Beitritt zur EU an


Von EUstrongerthanUS


  1. Socialist_Slapper on

    The guy on the left looks a lot like Zelensky…

    Seriously though, I support this proposal, but I think Belarus is in a tough spot unless there is also a change of leadership in Moscow.

  2. thanosducky on

    This is like ohio wanting to secede from america, its so stupid.

  3. matcha_100 on

    With all sympathies to Belarusian democracy movements, why call it Smolensk Republic, when Smolensk lies in Russia? 

  4. Does anyone know about the importance of Smolensk for Belarus?

    I know it belonged to Belarusian sphere before the russian empire formed.

  5. Remember these guys, you probably won’t see them anywhere else. Or they are the luckiest politicians in history.

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