Hallo, ich bin Andromachi Sophocleous, ich bin ein Kandidat von Volt für die EU-Wahlen. Frag mich was! (22.05.2024)


    Von IamAndromachiS


    1. EatTheRich4200 on

      Do u like cats? How many cats do u have and what are their names? Do you think the government is doing enough to fund and promote trap/neuter/release programs? What would you do differently to create a happier and healthier cat island?

    2. SolveTheCYproblemNOW on


      thank you for coming for this AMA . Here are my questions:

      1)You have been politically active for a decade through Unite Cyprus Now and found yourself joining the Volt party of Cyprus. What makes a new party like Volt more appealing from the rest of the parties?

      2)On a lighter note; where is the best local kebab/souvlaki I can have in the north and where would be a good place for GsC to meet TsC and vice-versa ?

      3)Despite the fact people can travel in both sides of the island, there are still many people who will not cross to the otherside for their own reasons or don’t have a grasp of the daily life’s of the Turkish speaking Cypriots and the rest of the natives. Can you give us an inside on how does the occupation effects the locals in the north and what the everyday people can do or what will you do as a political figure in the EU parliament to make things better?

      4)For a progressive green pro Federal EU like me, Volt seems too good to be true and im still skeptical for many reasons. One would be this rummer I got is that Volt seems to support more Israel than Palestine, I couldn’t find any significant proof of that besides the image I have found here put I would like to get a straight answer from the source. What is the stance of Volt vs Volt Cyprus in the Israel-Palestine conflict and are there any other significant differences between any other volt parties in Europe?


    3. για εμάς που εν ξέρουμε που πολιτικές θέσεις. τι ακριβώς θα προσφέρετε αν πιάτε την θέση;

    4. georgechr2 on

      Morning Andromachi, wish you all the best in the upcoming elections. I will actually reword and repost a question/concerns I sent to Mr Petrides yesterday in his AMA (his answer was underwhelming and half baked truths IMO).

      The previous goernment brought tax incentives for companies and employess for moving to Cyprus. Arguably, most of the locals have been negatively impacted by these. What is your opinion on the following allegations:

      * Local tech people and companies who have been in Cyprus through thick and thin (and employed people through the recession) have never got any incentives. On top of this, they are now in a difficult situation because they cannot compete with foreign companies because the tax incentives gives foreigners an unfair advantage. Same goes for employees. How can a Cypriot compete with a foreigner when they can ask for a much less salary because of the tax incentive? Are you aware of this? What are your thoughts?
      * This influx of foreigners is the main reason for the artificial boost of cost of living. While it helps Cyprus show an increase in its GDP, it’s all artificial, because the locals never benefit from it and are being pushed out from the centers of cities (mainly Limassol) because foreigners can afford higher rents. How can this trend slow down?
      * There is a lack of tech talent in Cyprus but even for the locals who do meet the criteria, all these foreign companies refuse to hire them, simply because we don’t speak Russian. The previous government removed the obligation for these companies to hire 30% locals/EU nationals. Are you in favor of bringing this obligation back to the table?

    5. Infamous_Self_6046 on

      Εγώ δεν έχω να ρωτήσω κάτι προς το παρόν, απλά μιας και πιθανότατα είμαι Βολτό-πληκτος, και βλέπω να βρήκα τι θα ψηφίσω μάλλον, ήθελα να δω περισσότερα για τις θέσεις του Βολτ και της Ανδρομάχης μέσα από τη συζήτηση. 🙂

    6. CypriotPeacemaker on

      You can never go wrong if you #VoteVolt ! 💜
      Hi Andromachi mou! This is a support message. I am so happy that we Cypriots, finally have a party like Volt to get our hopes high up! There is no doubt that we are going to achieve great things for our Cyprus with you. Wishing you all the best in this elections! 💜💜🫶🏻 -Sude

    7. Καλως την!

      Εκαμα σε αναζητησην στο google και ουλλες οι πηγες φκαλουν πως εισαι ακτιβιστης αλλα μονο τελευταια εμαθα για εσας. Τι ιδους ακτιβισμο καμνετε και τι επετυχετε που τουτο;

      Αν αυριον εν ηφκεις τοτε τι να περιμενουμε που σενα; Που την αλλην, αν ηφκεις θα σε ξαναακουσουμε; Ή θα εισαι οπως ουλλους τους αλλους που σαμπως τζαι ανοιξεν η γη τζαι καταπιεντους.

    8. Hi Andromachi, good to see you here!

      1. The EU is economically falling behind the US and China, and I believe one contributing factor is the language barrier. I understand you support the EU becoming a federation, but what are your thoughts on adopting a common European language for business purposes? Do you think this is a viable solution? If not, what alternative measures would you propose to enhance economic efficiency?
      2. You support a pan-European corporate tax. Wouldn’t this potentially harm Cyprus’s economy? What incentives would tech companies have to establish themselves in Cyprus if not for the current tax benefits?
      3. The government is indirectly raising income taxes by not adjusting the tax brackets, even though high inflation in recent years has increased wages. Do you think it would be a good idea to adjust the tax brackets annually, or perhaps every 3 to 5 years?
      4. How do you intend to improve conditions for the middle class?
      5. As a small nation, we often receive services later than other EU countries. For example, Disney+ has been available in other EU countries for several years, but it’s still not available here. Do you think it would be beneficial to enforce a policy requiring companies to make their services available in all EU countries simultaneously, even if initially only in English?

    9. klarmachos on

      1) what is Volt’s position regarding the security elements of the Cyprus Problem? full demilitatisation or eu defence? Treaty of Guarantees, right of intervention, 950 650 greek turkish troops? 7 years implementation phase?

      2) What’s the position of Volt regarding economy? market solutions or goverment intervention?

      Thanks for participating 🙂

    10. Ένα μεγάλο πρόβλημα στην Κύπρο είναι η κομματικόκρατεια, πως μπορείτε να δείξετε, είτε μέσω του βολτ, είτε ως άτομο, ότι μπορείτε να βάλετε τα άτομα που σας ψήφισαν μπροστά από το κόμμα?

    11. Kalimera, good morning.
      I originally asked these questions to your fellow peer Hulusi Kilim but I assume he forgot to make a return to my questions on that day; so I’m going to try my chance with your session.

      Q1a: Under current circumstances; do you believe that the current situation can still be resolved through politics?
      Q1b: What will be your attempts in EP scale?

      Q2: What will be your efforts on extending the usage of Turkish within Republic of Cyprus and within EU?

      -Volt Cyprus officially is working on being a party that encompasses two communities, and as far as I’m aware this is the third party to do so (Hellenoturkic Farmers’ Party in 1920 is first, AKEL is second).

      Q3a: Can Volt encourage and make a pressure on enforcing this bicommunal political process?
      Q3b: Does Volt plan to seek vacant 24 seats within House of Representatives? (With necessary safeguards to prevent disruption, of course)
      Q3c: Does Volt plan to organize within occupied areas as well?

      -It’s well known that Volt is attempting to pioneer for a Pan-European federation, however this may prove problematic in Cyprus due to extensive presence of legal/illegal foreigners and threatening survivability of Cypriot culture and population

      Q4a: Does Volt attempt to protect local cultures within countries?
      Q4b: Would Volt ensure a Cypriot autonomy in case of said federation?

      -As stated in previous question; Volt seeks to transform EU into a federation (which isn’t necessarily a bad idea), however they also propose the same model in Cyprus as well.

      Q5a: Is this federation model comes from solely the plan accepted by UN; or this is completely the preferred solution regardless of UN’s stance?
      Q5b: Do you believe this federation model will be able to remedy the political and cultural damage caused since 1974, and how will that happen?
      Q5c: When compared, why would creating a federation be more preferable to reform and restore the Republic?

    12. Kalimera Andromachi, thank you for doing this. You already won me over with your announcement video a few months ago speaking in our dialect. I have a few questions I’m hoping you can elaborate on if possible.

      1. I noticed that whenever I tell people I’m voting for Volt, their reactions show there’s a big disconnect between what people think Volt is and what it actually stands for. I understand that it will take a lot of time and effort to change this, but are you taking any deliberate steps to address this? «Μα τζίντους κουμμουνιστές;», «Μα το παράρτημα του ΑΚΕΛ;», «Εννα τα δώκουν ούλλα των Τούρκων», some of the nicer responses I got.

      2. There is a tendency by left-leaning policymakers when it comes to housing, to focus on demand-side solutions (rent control, affordable housing, homebuyer assistance, etc.) to a supply-side problem. How does Volt intend to address the supply-side of the housing equation to fix the affordability issue? What kind of incentives or disincentives are you considering for developers to help bring down rent increases across the country?

      3. How do you intend on tackling the transportation mess that we have in this country? How do we convince Cypriots to opt for public transit/cycling/walking vs their nice comfy car? Would Volt consider pushing for Rail infrastructure in Cyprus?

      4. Kokkinochoria have been stagnant for ages, with minimal development efforts by the state, creating a negative sentiment towards government that is now ubiquitous (don’t be shocked when ELAM wins big next month). Frankly, I can’t blame them. It seems like every single new investment/development happens in Limassol or Pafos, with everyone else left fighting for scraps. Would a Volt-led government be materially different from all the previous ones?

      I understand these are long-term/strategic questions and not directly relevant to the upcoming elections. In any case, best of luck to you and everyone at Volt. You have my vote!

    13. notnotnotnotgolifa on

      Hello I am a TC and wanted to ask your opinion and stance against the statements below:

      1. “The EU’s import duties on Chinese electric cars are to be increased”
      2. “The EU should allow the cultivation of further genetically modified plant varieties”
      3. “The EU should finance more weapons for Ukraine”
      4. “The EU should continue to invest in joint European armament projects”
      5. “The EU should continue to classify nuclear power as a sustainable energy source”


    14. 1) Καταρχάς θέλω να σας ρωτήσω για την “διένεξη” που παρατηρήθηκε στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης για το βίντεό σας όπου μιλάτε κυπριακά. Η αντίδραση φαίνεται να κινείται στον άξονα του κυπριωτισμού, με την επιλογή της κυπριακής διαλέκτου σε ένα φαινομενικά επίσημο πλαίσιο να εκλαμβάνεται ως συνειδητή προώθηση αυτής της ιδεολογίας. Ήταν αυτός ο σκοπός σας; Αν δεν ήταν αυτός ο σκοπός, ποια ήταν τα κίνητρα για να σπάσετε αυτή την “ρότα” της χρήσης της κοινής νεοελληνικής στα πολιτικά μέσα προβολής στην Κύπρο; Και τέλος, γιατί δεν το “τερματίσατε” με το να χρησιμοποιήσετε “βαρετά/χωρκάτικα” κυπριακά;

      2) Το Volt σε διάφορα κοινωνικά και οικονομικά θέματα παρουσιάζει μεγάλη αλληλεπικάλυψη με άλλα προοδευτικά αριστερά κόμματα στην Κύπρο. Τι πιστεύετε κάνει το Volt ξεχωριστό σαν νέο κίνημα που θα έπειθε τους ψηφοφόρους με παρεμφερή φρονήματα να ταχθούν υπέρ σας; Κοινώς, τι υπόσχεται και προσφέρει το Volt αλλά και εσείς προσωπικά που δεν το βρίσκει κάποιος σε άλλα κόμματα και υποψηφίους αντίστοιχα;

      3) Το Volt φαίνεται να ελκύει ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον από μια μερίδα του πληθυσμού, αλλά χωρίς στα προγνωστικά να φαίνεται μεγάλη αναταραχή στο πολιτικό κατεστημένο του νησιού. Αν ο κόσμος αφουγκραστεί το μήνυμα του κόμματός σας και “διχάσει” την αριστερή ψήφο, πιστεύετε ότι είναι πιθανό να δώσει έδαφος στα ανερχόμενα ακροδεξιά κινήματα ώστε να αποκτήσουν εκπροσώπους στην Ευρωβουλή; Πώς θα απαντούσατε σε έναν ψηφοφόρο ο οποίος θα επιθυμούσε να ψηφίσει στρατηγικά τα μεγαλύτερα και πιο καθιερωμένα αριστερά κόμματα ώστε να εμποδίσει το ΕΛΑΜ;

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