Nun, ich freue mich darauf, an diesem Strand spazieren zu gehen. Ich finde diese Aussicht dramatischer und interessanter für meine Fotografiegewohnheit. Kann jemand die Straße oder Wanderung überprüfen? Nun, ich freue mich darauf, an diesem Strand spazieren zu gehen. Ich finde diese Aussicht dramatischer und interessanter für meine Fotografiegewohnheit. Kann mir jemand bestätigen, welche Straße ich nehmen oder wandern muss, um an diesen Ort zu gelangen?

Von mollierocket


  1. It’s been over a decade since I’ve been there but I’m pretty sure this is taken with a drone?
    I recall that the area around doesn’t have much high ground but I could be wrong. Can’t remember properly.

  2. If you check out Google Maps, [this place ](,-23.9600163,3a,75y,316.16h,83.82t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMKOFS0KuHSdde8j6WlH4s5zrEAlZMiKEnuY1MU!2e10!3e11!!7i7776!8i3888?entry=ttu) is not a perfect match, but pretty darn close. If you hike out further west along the ridge line you should get there. That panorama also gives you a good idea about what kind of terrain to expect. You’ll probably want to bring a telephoto lens and plan to be there at low tide for best results.

  3. This is taken from a drone. The road can be scary but it’s very unlikely that you actually get hurt there. I recommend going there in the summer when the campsite is open. But it’s still beautiful all year around.

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