4 Parkplätze für 1 (Fahrerin)


Von Upstairs_Suit_6437


  1. SaintTopman on

    That’s pretty terrible parking yeah, but the driver’s gender is irrelevant.

  2. Ok-Cartographer9318 on

    I don’t understand the need to specify “Woman Driver”. If you’ve ever stepped foot outside Cyprus you would understand that this is just a bad stereotype that needs to stop. In fact in the UK the car insurance is cheaper if you are a woman!

  3. Kobethevamp on

    How do you know it’s a woman driver? Also let’s be real, we’ve all seen as many horrible male drivers as female drivers. It’s Cyprus.

  4. Digitupandspread on

    Are you sure it’s just a woman driver and not a foreigner as well?

  5. I have seen a man park like this too because he didn’t want anyone to scratch his car when they park beside him. Making it about gender is wrong

  6. Key_Instance901 on

    Lol. More men die on the road than women. Idiot. For data purposes of course.

  7. Woman driver? We’ve all seen guys park across a few parking lots just to not let anyone park/scratch their car.

    That’s pretty chauvinist.

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