Nach Venezuela hat die Türkei nun den zweithöchsten Zinssatz der Welt

Von Straight_Ad2258


  1. Worth-Wonder-7386 on

    They had much lower interest rate for some time because Erdogan believed that higher interest rates caused inflation. This is why it is important that the central bank is independent from politicians

  2. saltyswedishmeatball on

    I feel bad for the group of Turks that didnt want Erdagon or any of this.

    For the rest, good, you deserve all of this and then some. Constantly fucking with the West, toying with Russia.. “who am I going to be allies with today?!?! we shall see!” Fuck you Turkey. Also, fuck you for keeping Sweden out of NATO for those many months.

    “So how do you really feel about Turkey?”

  3. Straight_Ad2258 on

    Low fertility rate and a decaying economy.
    Erdoganoupoulos is doing his job really well. Greece could never hope for a better special agent

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