1. Submission Statement: The burgeoning strategic alliance between China and Russia poses a threat to the West’s postwar world order. Chels Michta argues that the United States must develop a comprehensive strategy to counter this emergent bloc dominated before it’s too late.  Alignment of the world’s two largest authoritarian powers could have dire consequences. It would challenges to US leadership, limit the efficacy of sanctions, and allow China to gain access to advanced Russian technologies that could give its military game-changing capabilities.  

  2. FrontBench5406 on

    If by joining you mean China is using Russia for everything it can and giving them pennies on the yuan, then yes, its a scary partnership….for Russia. Its the symbol of their decline. When Russia falls apart, China will make everything east of the Urals its puppet state and Russia will maybe come back as this European side country that might be lucky to be like other east european states…

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