„Der EU-Mitgliedstaat, der dem Nahen Osten am nächsten liegt, ist Zypern, also öffnen Sie die Seegrenzen für die Menschen, die dorthin wollen“, sagte der Anführer der Hisbollah. Gedanken?


    Von CypriotPeacemaker


    1. MacronLeNecromancer on

      Context: he said this in response to the EU bribing the Lebanese government to stop Syrian refugees from going to the EU.

      His point is the EU should lift the sanctions on Syria so that the Syrians can go back home and make a living there. Lebanon shouldn’t have to maintain a refugee population the size of a quarter of its own population.

      In addition to this, the EU and US sanction make it difficult for any aid to be provided in Syria, so refugees living on international aid in Lebanon, would lose the aid if they go to Syria (where they’d be homeless and without jobs)

    2. The US started the Syria conflicts. They should take them and compensate them for all the damages they caused.

    3. CopeAndSeethee on

      Why you guys take him seriously.
      We dont even take him seriously

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