Gedanken? Weiß jemand, ob die Kirche alt oder neu ist?

Von FranklinMarlboro


  1. True_Fake_Mongolia on

    1. This is a Caucasian Albanian church. so it belong to Azerbaijan people

    2. This church is on the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan. So Azerbaijans can do whatever they want to it

    3. Because it is on the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan, no matter what we do to it, it is reasonable. No one has the right to question, Do you need to consult your neighbors before setting fire to your own house?

  2. Inevitable_4791 on

    i remember a year or so ago one of those woman politicians or whatever stood infront of those things and proudly said how accepting azerbaijan is and a year later they removed it, so embarrassing 😭

  3. Last_Dish_9215 on

    This church was build in 1996 in lachin. In 1992 armenian forces occupied the territory and the population was forced to flee.

  4. General-Collection97 on

    Doesn’t matter. No one is praying there so it can be removed

  5. Responsible-Way-6860 on

    A symbol of occupation that has no historical significance whatsoever. And even if we let it stand, who’s gonna attend it? It will just fall intto decay, and I don’t want my country to look after some useless church built during the occupation years

  6. Hehe. They already shared in Arm subreddit. Also, according to research based on info I got from there, It was Church of the Ascension build on 1996, so yeah I can be considered occupation-period armenification building.

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