Weiß jemand aus dem Kosovo, ob das wahr ist? Ich weiß, dass Kosovo ein konservatives Land ist, aber dieser Artikel aus dem Jahr 2015 besagt "Genauer gesagt gaben 91 Prozent der weiblichen Befragten an, noch nie Sex gehabt zu haben, während 54 Prozent der Männer angaben, Jungfrauen zu sein" Ich weiß, dass dieser Artikel aus dem Jahr 2015 stammt, aber legen Kosovo-Frauen großen Wert darauf, bis zur Heirat Jungfrau zu bleiben? Oder haben sich die Zeiten geändert? Ich bin wirklich neugierig.


Von nyct9


  1. DalshMenqaj on

    Correct, no one here has sex. Kosovar female children grow on trees whilst males multiply through mitosis. Also, we don’t have any traversable roads; if you want to travel you have to rub a magical lamp that will instantly teleport you to your desired destination.

  2. Did you even bother to read what you shared?

    > However, Gollopeni, the sociologist, is less than happy with the report, arguing that shortcomings during field work and social stigma have resulted in serious skewed results.

    > “[There is a] lack of adequate training for field researchers and monitoring… there are many cases when surveyors are more interested in the number of filled forms rather than in actual answers. Consequently we receive results as such,” Gollopeni explained.

    Whoever sponsored this survey should open an investigation for mismanaged funds and ask for their money back.

  3. > 15 to 24 year olds

    After 24 is a perfectly understandable time to start dating though, you are not as stressed from school and you have a lot more free time.

  4. Ferizaj123 on

    Djemt po qin fort, femnat virgjine, motela tri po qelen qdo dit edhe po punojn 24 or. Qetu ja kom qi at nan dikush osht tu rrejt

  5. KopeMaxxer on

    this was in 2015. Since then, you have a generation which grew up under social media totally filter free (no parents are aware of what goes on because majority are tech illiterate) with total western media influence in overdrive. Safe to say these are totally mentally molested children, its going to ironically be more degenerate because westerners know not to let social media consume themselves. We on the other hand have low IQ population which are more susceptible to media influence. You open tiktok and you won’t see westerners engage in things non-whites and ethnics engage in. One of the reason guys like Andrew Tate is popular is not because of western men, its mostly ethnics. And likewise, in regards to sex, since its hyper normalized in western media, such will this generation will behave. In fact, contrary to many who posts here the virginity rate was quiet high and still even in late 2000s and beyond people would lose it in only one relationship and that one would lead to a marriage. Even dating apps like tinder was useless 2+ years ago.

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