Ich erlebe, wie diese riesige Allee mitten in Tirana plötzlich und ohne Grund endet


Von Rocketchairbaby


  1. The project is not completely finished yet. Rome wasn’t built in one day.

  2. The whole highway they are building around the city is generally stupid too. I dont know what they thought when starting all these projects, they probably didnt think at all.

  3. They made way to connect two highways, but had to demolish many houses in doing so. Most of them didn’t agree and went on to protest for weeks about that. The government is known for taking out groups one by one in silence. The boulevard you see in the image, has a limited space in front of it and lots of the houses will be demolished in the future. But they will do it later, when the previous situation will be completely forgotten from the public opinion and they will have deal only with a small group of angry people, instead of a mob.

  4. You see that all over the US as well. Roads get built first and then buildings around it

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