Im Rahmen des BRI-Projekts hat die chinesische Regierung erhebliche Mengen an Humanressourcen in die Veröffentlichung von Büchern investiert, die die Sprachen der BRI-Länder lehren. Obwohl ich das Projekt immer negativ beurteilt habe, ist es dennoch ermutigend, eine Ressource für Weißrussisch zu sehen. Zu Ihrer Information: Es scheint, dass dieses Buch für Personen mit Grundkenntnissen der russischen Sprache gedacht ist.

Von suomi888


  1. It would be both fun and surprising to see China supporting Belarusian culture and independence, especially in contrast to Russia’s attempts to undermine them.

  2. Uladzimir_M_V on

    I would never have imagined something like this exists. They even placed our coat of arms on the cover.

  3. To be honest, I once studied at a Belarusian-language school, with Chinese as the second language. Back then, we didn’t have books like that as far as I can remember. Maybe it’s because I’ve only been there for one year.

    Called Gymnasium 23 of minsk

  4. IndependentNerd41 on

    Pahonia should be replaced with the coat of arms of the BSSR. Do the Chinese support Belarusian anti-Russian extremism?

  5. actiniumosu on

    love from China I hope the language gets taught to more people whe the dictatorship ends

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