Ich versuche wirklich herauszufinden, was in New Hampshire los ist

Von frequentlysocialbear


  1. Randomquestions12947 on

    Also one of the few states in the northeast where you can grab just one or two beers out of a six pack and buy them as singles.

  2. mouseklicks on

    New Hampshire mentioned!
    I thought this was r/newhampshire for a sec here

  3. Lemosopher on

    My state is for sissys. I need to move to ND or NH. NY probably tops out with white claw or sumshit, and even then the avg joe probably has 2 before they’re tongue licking their buddy’s ear.

  4. Enough_Ad_2752 on

    Born in Montana, dad is from North Dakota and Mom is from New Hampshire, hold my beer

  5. Glass-Touch8825 on

    Can confirm, I grew up in NH and drank a shit ton of beer as did my friends.

  6. I_think_therefore on

    I know someone who lived in Vermont, just by the NH border. He told me that he would cross into New Hampshire to buy alcohol because the taxes were much lower there. This is probably what’s going on.

  7. Grew up there, nothing beats cracking one after a hike, a ski, a fishing day, an ice fishing day, a paintball day, hell any day.

  8. BillBraskyisa on

    A lot of people from Massachusetts will head to NH to buy alcohol due to it being taxed cheaper and that’s inflating their numbers.

  9. Zealousideal_Cry1867 on

    i’m questioning the validity of this map considering wisconsin isn’t black

  10. Necessary-Outside-40 on

    Well these people in New Hampshire are pretty strongly based on British people, perhaps there’s a pub mentality there. The only guy I knew from New Hampshire is an alcoholic, so maybe that’s something, maybe not.

  11. Do not show a Wisconsinite this. They will argue for days that they are the drunkest state, like that is something to be proud of.

  12. Maybe we’re all sober and it’s just a divide by zero error?

  13. michael_scarn2235 on

    Larry lives there. Larry’s a drunk. Throws off the whole ratio.

  14. 69TomCotton420 on

    If you have to ask you’re not living free or dying buddy

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