Jüdische Gruppen fordern ein Ende der Finanzierung des Edmonton Pride Centers wegen seiner Reaktion auf den Hamas-Angriff



  1. Chemical_Signal2753 on

    I have always found the support from LGBT groups for groups that would murder them incredibly perplexing.

  2. Aboud_Dandachi on

    “The centre…was a signatory to the controversial Nov. 30 open letter…The letter, which alluded to “the *unverified accusation that Palestinians were guilty of sexual violence*” during the October 7 attack”

    Yeah, defund this crap.

  3. Ok_Landscape3086 on

    For a people that have suffered a great injustice in the past, they sure as hell don’t seem to care about anyone or anything outside of their own interests. That goes for both sides of the conflict. There, I said it.

  4. ResponsibleStomach40 on

    “Speaking this truth aloud is by no means antisemitic.”

    Oh, the irony of this statement. Many would call that exactly racist…

  5. orange4boy on

    How about an end to the funding of Jewish centres for their support for Apartheid in Israel.

  6. Ketchupkitty on

    Edmonton pride is a gong show, they used to distance themselves from drag queens over fears of things we can’t talk about on reddit. Fast forward to now they’ve embraced very said thing we can’t talk about on reddit.

  7. New-Throwaway2541 on

    Glad we are spending our time and energy focusing on important shit like this

  8. nuudootabootit on

    I call for an end of ‘funding’ synagogues by way of not charging them property tax.

  9. I_poop_rootbeer on

    The people from the pride center realize what Hamas would do to them, right? Meanwhile Israel has a huge pride parade every year

  10. BruceNorris482 on

    My only question is what the actual fuck does a LGBTQ organization have to do with an international conflict and what do they know about it.

  11. MusclyArmPaperboy on

    >On Oct. 21, three weeks after 1,200 people were killed in a surprise raid carried out by Hamas and other terror organizations, the Edmonton Pride centre’s volunteer-run Instagram page posted, “We at PCE stand against apartheid, genocide, colonization and state violence.

    That seems a pretty innocuous statement — they didn’t take sides. There’s no “This group is committing crimes,” just “we don’t support crimes”

  12. Top-Garlic9111 on

    Eh, I don’t see how they are so, so much at fault. I also don’t see why a pride center needs to do activism unrelated to lgbtq people. But what they say is mostly true, except for the no rapes on oct 7 part, which is pretty stupid. It’s good they are trying to fix it by reaching out to the jewish lgbtq community. It seems this has been blown out of proportion to advance a political agenda.

  13. Interesting that protesting against genocide and ethnic cleansing is equated to supporting terrorism. Keep talking and exposing yourselves.

  14. icyhotbackpatch on

    Please defund it. It was taken over by “activists” who fight for literally nothing beyond “FUCK YOU DAD”. They all have poor relationships with their fathers and as a result we have to deal with the most idiotic positions that middle class white women can take for social clout.

  15. Super-Base- on

    They only said “We at PCE stand against apartheid, genocide, colonization and state violence.”

    And now these “Jewish” groups (Israeli interest groups) are trying to cancel them. Instead of you know being concerned over the barbaric manner their government has conducted itself in Gaza. Instead let’s defund the LGBT group calling them out.

  16. WealthEconomy on

    Let them try to set up a pride center in Gaza…see how that goes for them…

  17. Fish__Cake on

    Makes you wonder what the LGBT+++ as to do with hating Jews. Maybe it’s been captured, eh?

  18. Realistic_Guitar_420 on

    Well to be honest our country should be funding any pride crap or either side of any way anyway.

  19. thatguywashere1 on

    “We at PCE stand against apartheid, genocide, colonization and state violence.”

    This statement is apparently is Antisemitic and condones sexual violence.
    This is what they have issue with?!?

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