Gott, ich hasse die Medien. Wo sind die Faktenchecker? Wenn Trump das sagen würde, würden die Medien es eine Lüge nennen. Warum verteidigen die Medien Biden?

Von 2201992


  1. Ol’ Joe is talking out of his ass. I don’t think its because he is demented. He has always made up stories whenever he talks off script. Cornpop was a bad dude.

  2. ConnectionBubbly3306 on

    What exactly is the problem here. This isn’t a fact check it’s just a tweet by CBS news, not to mention what Biden did was literally imply that his uncle was eaten by cannibals. What Biden did fits the textbook definition of implying.

  3. MrJohnson999999999 on

    As even CNN admits, he had a really wild campaign trip across Pennsylvania with a lot of really wildly false statements, including but not limited to the cannibal statement.


    It’s a hilarious read until you remember that this guy is seriously the current US president, and he’s seriously running for re-election.

  4. UniqueImprovements on

    He literally said his uncle’s body wasn’t recovered BECAUSE there were cannibals there. That is not “implying” anything. That is establishing causation.

  5. FalcorFliesMePlaces on

    Biden makes up stories all the time. There is footage from the 70s I saw and he makes blatent lies. He has lied about his college, seeing a bridge collapse, being in NYC on 9/11. Its a trait not even dimentia. The issue is collectively its a big issues, but because no one makes a big deal, the media doesnt list it and his handlers do not let him be question it becomes ohhh old joe telling another story.

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