Die Immobilienpreise in Wales fallen innerhalb eines Jahres um 6,5 %


Von UnlikeTea42

1 Comment

  1. Tobemenwithven on

    House prices are linked to jobs cause yanno, cant afford shit if you have no money. This is not complex and has always been the case. Take an international view and look at Detroit, a former powerhouse, where presumably unless you dislike being shot you can find a lovely 5 bed gaff for 15k and redo it for 70k more into a mansion by London standards. Course will then be robbed and killed but go for it.

    The housing crisis is a result of cities forcing people into offices plus mass migration. If we fully used remote working and brought in common sense immigration targets we could box this off in a week.

    Shit. Give civil servants the right to work fully remote. Let them live in the middle of no where and do their job. Works for everyone.

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