Will Pecker stick up for Trump or shrink under pressure? While the former enquirer publisher is a longtime friend of Trump, it’s also clear prosecutors have put a lot of pressure on him to cooperate in their case against the former president.
pghgreatest on
Who’s leaking this?  Stop itÂ
Ryankevin23 on
🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫
Better_Car_8141 on
Pecker will look after himself. Trump is toast and everyone knows it.
Will Pecker stick up for Trump or shrink under pressure? While the former enquirer publisher is a longtime friend of Trump, it’s also clear prosecutors have put a lot of pressure on him to cooperate in their case against the former president.
Who’s leaking this?  Stop itÂ
🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫
Pecker will look after himself. Trump is toast and everyone knows it.
Here comes some salacious dirt