Massiver israelischer Luftangriff auf Rafah im südlichen Teil des Gazastreifens

Von duccyzuccy


  1. notice how everyone is standing with their phones out with people voluntarily standing where they know a strike is incoming…. they see a roof knock, then set the scene… textbook hamas.

  2. This vaporized block of buildings brought to you by the US Military industrial complex. So wonderful knowing my tax dollars are funding the annihilation of Palestinians.

    Snark of course, it’s disgustingly inexcusable.

  3. ichbinauchbrian on

    Is there a secondary going off? The smaller, fast rising dustcloud looks like one.

  4. LightBlueNggaballs on

    Crows standing around, almost like they knew it was gonna happen

  5. 5StarUberPassenger69 on

    In most reasonable places people would look at this in disgust but in reddit’s premiere sub for propaganda and horseshit the users love and applaud it. FPV drones being used to kill medics carrying wounded, bombing civilians; it’s not even actual combat footage but you little shitheads eat it up.

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