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Good she deserves to be put on blast she’s a terrible human being and an embarrassment to American politics.
“GOP Rebels”?
More than half voted against it.
She should be ashamed of herself
Can you impeach her?
Suka blyat!
She is a putin’s whore.
She is a CUNT of a thing ! She needs to get a proper education ! IDIOT !!!!!!
Margarine has no shame
Can we get this butt ugly face and any reference to her from appearing on this site?
Calling them rebels is the wrong move here, that’s how they see themselves
I thought this was a photoshop, but nope: https://nypost.com/cover/april-21-2024/
I think it’s wonderful that these clowns are being subjected to the ridicule they deserve!
Moscow Marge!
Fuck this dumpster fire, glad to see her getting the public lambasting she deserves
[Her base.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dj2e0w9VAAAraKs?format=jpg)
Marjorie, You bitter ugly troll!
Even the trash Murdoch papers are turning on her. Talk about losing your core support lol
#MoscowMarge…. Dumb as mud.
I hate everything about this woman, she is the scum of the earth. How someone like her can look herself in the mirror every day is beyond me, but I guess if your only brain cell is going towards entertaining fantasies of Jewish space lasers protecting our borders then this is what we get
Moskov Marge could be the secret daughter of the russian foreignminnister Lavrov,both with the same elongatet face
She needs to be removed from power. I don’t know what’s happening with some republicans. Republicans have always been very anti-communist and anti-putin.
Just because she was against additional funding for the war in Ukraine, it does NOT make her Putin’s whore, and it does NOT make her a traitor. You may dislike her for any number of valid reasons, but most of you on this forum are drinking the kool-aid that says we must keep sending endless funds to Ukraine. This, despite the fact that intelligence analyses have repeatedly shown that the likelihood of kicking the RFA out of all Ukrainian territory is practically impossible. This $60B makes brings the total to about $150B spent on this war. Meanwhile, our own military is suffering from shortages in key munitions and maintenance issues. I want to see Ukraine defeat the RFA as much as anyone, but you have to at least TRY to have a realistic perspective. Everyone here seems blind to the reality of the situation and the irony of sending $150B to this war when our own infrastructure in the US is falling apart.
With no lube in tha poop
The witch from hell👹 The people of Georgia must stop voting this catastrophe into the house!
Imagine being an actual traitor, she would’ve had her head cut off back in the day.
Guess someone will have to stay away from the windows.
This bit*h should be in jail with Trumpf for treason.
Send her to the front line and give her a spoon to defend herself.
Come on, give her some slack, she just doing what her employer wants her to do. Maybe Vlad gives her a good performance review this year.
Huge defeat for Trump…his influence is diminishing.
Perjury Trailer Queen
I’m even more appalled. by Victoria Spartz. She’s a traitor to Ukraine and the US.